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Where New Version Like 0.4 or 0.5?

coming soon

ok thx 


ya i found teaser for 0.6 new bsoda!! to i don't think

Hey port the mod assets as texture pack for bb+ texture packs


Please just port the mod's assets as a texture pack for BB+ Texture Packs and distribute that as the download, as the current download still distributes (modified) BB+ game files, which is against Mystman's wishes.

i didnt know that sorry i will port it soon

thanks for telling me

bro this mod is dead i'm no longer working on it i only working on full release baldi's basics pro decompile. and also i'm not gonna do some textures pack i got too much credits, and bbpkd is now knockoff of bb+.

Mind if I port the textures to it, then? ;)

if you want you can

no u don't have my permission to do that 


Ok, thank you.

bro wdym ok thank you i don't allow u to make my port it for my mod the baldi's basics pro kickstarter demo is already knockoff to baldi's basics plus all textures seem to be unofficial sprites n' stuff. So i don't allow u to make this port version, wait until official decompile version because it will be not bb+ mod.

Take this mod down, now, Micah worked hard on BB+ and this game lets you play the game without supporting him. This is basically a pirated game.

did you download the mod?

i only share assets

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Yeah but I can just drag the assets into any unity game files sooooooo PIRATED GAME

Also I deleted this when I got the actual worth the money BB+


are you stupid dumb?

Not really, it would probably just break the game.

I dragged the files into BBCR and it worked without breaking meaning he basically just posted BB+ on the spot but with better textures

Even if you share assets, it's still against mystman12's wishes, you'll have to take this down no matter what or else there will be problems. (if there are.)

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BB+ Remastered


This is so cool.


new update cool gotta play it


Hi there



I got AA- in the end

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If you can't buy BB+, you can play this mod !!!


If you can’t buy BB+, don’t even play this mod! It’s basically a pirated game. DarkFox64 your giving bad advice!

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Dude,  I will never BUY a game on my pc.

I've got all of my games for free

Well then either way delete this game! Maybe find other games that are free and original and not pirated!

its not pirate game you stupid

Hey onur I am doing a little stream on gamejolt

Notfurance reached to 301 subscribers!!!


baka sussi xbox series S real editio

Hey lucasgrps’s school house got banned


baldi's basics kickstarter demo but no need to donate B)

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nice speed hack




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Baldi's Basics Plus Mod ?

yes and hack version

listen you should take this mod down unless you want me to tell Micah McGonal that this mod lets you actually play BB+ without paying so this is basically pirating

(1 edit)

Nice, i play this game THAT'S SO COOL


Hi this game cool

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I like this mod and the speed hack! Making it easier to walk and sprint. =)

thx :)

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